.. _diffusion-laplace_refine_interactive: diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py ======================================= **Description** Example of solving Laplace's equation on a block domain refined with level 1 hanging nodes. The domain is progressively refined towards the edge/face of the block, where Dirichlet boundary conditions are prescribed by an oscillating function. Find :math:`u` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} \nabla v \cdot \nabla u = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. Notes ----- The implementation of the mesh refinement with level 1 hanging nodes is a proof-of-concept code with many unresolved issues. The main problem is the fact that a user needs to input the cells to refine at each level, while taking care of the following constraints: - the level 1 hanging nodes constraint: a cell that has a less-refined neighbour cannot be refined; - the implementation constraint: a cell with a refined neighbour cannot be refined. The hanging nodes are treated by a basis transformation/DOF substitution, which has to be applied explicitly by the user: - call ``field.substitute_dofs(subs)`` before assembling and solving; - then call ``field.restore_dofs()`` before saving results. Usage Examples -------------- Default options, 2D, storing results in 'output' directory:: $ python examples/diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py output $ python postproc.py output/hanging.vtk --wireframe -b -d'u,plot_warp_scalar' Default options, 3D, storing results in 'output' directory:: $ python examples/diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py -3 output $ python postproc.py output/hanging.vtk --wireframe -b --3d Finer initial domain, 2D, storing results in 'output' directory:: $ python examples/diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py --shape=11,11 output $ python postproc.py output/hanging.vtk --wireframe -b -d'u,plot_warp_scalar' Bi-quadratic approximation, 2D, storing results in 'output' directory:: $ python examples/diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py --order=2 output # View solution with higher order DOFs removed. $ python postproc.py output/hanging.vtk --wireframe -b -d'u,plot_warp_scalar' # View full solution on a mesh adapted for visualization. $ python postproc.py output/hanging_u.vtk --wireframe -b -d'u,plot_warp_scalar' :download:`source code ` .. literalinclude:: /../examples/diffusion/laplace_refine_interactive.py