.. _diffusion-darcy_flow_multicomp: diffusion/darcy_flow_multicomp.py ================================= **Description** Each of the two equations describes a flow in one compartment of a porous medium. The equations are based on the Darcy flow and the i-th compartment is defined in :math:`\Omega_{i}`. .. math:: \int_{\Omega_{i}} K^{i} \nabla p^{i} \cdot \nabla q^{i}+\int_{\Omega_{i}} \sum_{j} \bar{G}\alpha_{k} \left( p^{i}-p^{j} \right)q^{i} = \int_{\Omega_{i}} f^{i} q^{i}, .. math:: \forall q^{i} \in Q^{i}, \quad i,j=1,2 \quad \mbox{and} \quad i\neq j, where :math:`K^{i}` is the local permeability of the i-th compartment, :math:`\bar{G}\alpha_{k} = G^{i}_{j}` is the perfusion coefficient related to the compartments :math:`i` and :math:`j`, :math:`f^i` are sources or sinks which represent the external flow into the i-th compartment and :math:`p^{i}` is the pressure in the i-th compartment. .. image:: /../gallery/images/diffusion-darcy_flow_multicomp.png :download:`source code ` .. literalinclude:: /../examples/diffusion/darcy_flow_multicomp.py